Our Publications in Shrine Book Store
1. Glimpses of a Great Soul, a Portrait of Swami Saradananda by Swami Aseshananda
A biography and reminiscences about one of Sri Ramakrishna's direct disciples and the first General Secretary of the Ramakrishna Order by Swami Aseshananda, who served as his personal secretary and attendant for many years.
Price $20.95. Shipping and handling extra.

2. What Swami Vivekananda Means to Me A collection of essays
A collection of essays commemorating the Centenary of Swamiji's coming to America. By devotees associated with the Vedanta Society of Portland.
Price $5.00. Shipping and handling extra.
3. The ABCs of Spiritual Life Compiled by Dr. Terrance D. Hohner
Advice from Swami Aseshananda on 209 topics from "Advaita to Yogi" covering many aspects. Reminiscences of Holy Mother and seven direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna kwon by Swami Aseshananda. A great introduction by Swami Chetanananda.
Price: $29.95 + Shipping and handling extra.
4. The Last Disciple of Holy Mother
Reminiscences of Swami Aseshananda, by Swami Shantarupananda.
It is a short booklet on the life of Swami Aseshananda written with a depth of feeling and insight. Those who knew Swami Aseshananda will be reminded of his dedicated life, and those who never met him will be charmed by reading about his simple life permeated with the depth of spirituality.
Price: $3.00. Shipping and handling extra.

5. The Way of a Holy Man, Videotape of Swami Aseshananda's Memorial Service.
On November 24, 1996, a unique event in the spiritual history of the Pacific Northwest took place in Portland, OR. Ten swamis of the Vedanta Societies of the USA and Canada along with over 300 friends and students of the Vedanta philosophy assembled to pay their homage and tribute to Swami Aseshananda, the former Head of the Vedanta Society of Portland for 41 years. Intimate glimpses of a holy man were shared in an atmosphere charged with many loving and personal memories. This 3-hr videotape captures the proceedings of this rare event and includes candid photos of Swami Aseshananda through 45 years of his life in America.
Price: $19.95 each, Postage extra.
6. The Chronology of Swami Vivekananda in the West
Compiled by Terrance Hohner and Carolyn Kenny
Released on the occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda
Trace Swami Vivekananda day by day during his visits to the West from July 25, 1893, to December 9, 1900.
The book includes:
Details of every known lecture, class, and talk in the West
332 known locations he visited have been shown on 18 maps,
546 people with whom he interacted, lodged, or met
14 professional circles with which he connected.
19 articles and books used as references
113 archival photos of Swamiji and the places he visited
A way to deify your time and space:
Swami Vivekananda left something behind in every place he went.
Did he sanctify a place familiar to you?
Swamiji gave something spiritual every day of the year.
What did he do on a day of significance to you?
Given with whom he met or interacted, how many degrees of separation might you be from him?
Retail Price: $19.95 + Shipping and handling extra.